Proximus is a liquid nitrogen management tool approved for all crops in the U.S. and Canada. It has a patent-pending mode of action that works with native microbes in the soil instead of killing them. Proximus acts as a soil catalyst, increasing selected microbial populations that consume and hold nitrates in their biomass, reducing leachable nitrates in the soil, and then releasing them back to the plant over time. Proximus also acts as a root catalyst, encouraging a higher percentage of ultra-fine roots, which increases uptake of water and nutrients. Both of these combine to produce increased nitrogen use efficiency, reduced leaching and increased yield where nitrogen was the limiting factor.
Proximus improves plant and soil health and is a sustainable liquid nitrogen solution.

iNvigorate, B Sure
iNvigorate from Agrinos promotes the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and promotes a healthy soil microbial community. The product improves nutrient uptake by freeing up soil-bound nutrients, increases fertilizer use efficiency and aids in stronger root growth. It also rejuvenates the soil microbial community and increases soil organic matter. iNvigorate reliably improves yield and crop quality across a wide variety of soils, crops and growing conditions.
B Sure is a liquid nutrient solution from Agrinos. To support plant productivity in a variety of environmental conditions, B Sure contains carbon, nitrogen, true protein, amino acids and essential metabolic micronutrients. True protein is a source of highly bioavailable time-released nitrogen, complementing the activity of applied nitrogen. The micronutrient formulation helps build and support an active photosynthetic pathway. Carbon and essential minerals boost plant metabolism and stimulate plant and root growth. Free amino acids provide ready-made building blocks for protein synthesis.

Compass Minerals
Protassium+ is a dual-nutrient source that delivers high potassium and sulfate sulfur with virtually no chloride and a low salt index.
Onions get their characteristic flavor from the uptake of sulfur from the soil and require potassium to support the overall health of the plant, aid in drought resistance and affect bulb firmness and size. During the growing season, Protassium+ sulfate of potash (SOP) meets both of these nutrient needs with 17 percent sulfate sulfur and 50 percent potassium. Protassium+ is a premium potassium source that helps onions reach their full yield potential.

Redox Chemicals, LLC
Root Rx
RootRx is a reacted nutrient product containing proprietary botanical extracts. Root Rx promotes the production of anti-oxidants in the plant to help manage environmental oxidative stress. In managing environmental oxidative stress, the plant can overcome a variety of stress events and maintain cell wall integrity and superior plant growth, allowing the plant to increase in crop quality and yield.

Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc.
Crop Vitality
Crop Vitality nurtures crop life by delivering sulfur-based liquid plant nutritionals for the agriculture industry. For over 100 years, Crop Vitality has served customers by enhancing crop potential through innovation, research and development of sustainable, scalable fertilizers.