It’s On! UI Snake River Pest Management Tour June 30th

Snake River Weed Tour 2019Attendees at the Snake River Weed Tour in 2019 rode trailers to see the trials. This year, trailers won't be available to keep social distancing.

The University of Idaho Research and Extension Center in Aberdeen, Idaho has, found a way to make their annual field day happen during social isolation.

Their traditional people-hauling trailers will be scrapped this year. Attendees will have to use their own vehicles to get to trials, which is a small price to pay for keeping the event going.

Time:    Registration 8:30 to 9 a.m.
Tour: 9 a.m. to noon
Sponsored lunch: Due to COVID-19, ability to have a luncheon following the tour is undecided at this time.
Credits: Three Idaho pesticide applicator recertification credits will be offered.

Featured will be several weed control trials in potatoes, including tank mixtures, planned vs. rescue postemergence applications, chemigation vs sprinkler incorporation as well as potato variety herbicide tolerance trials, and herbicide mechanism of action plots.

No RSVP needed unless you are unable to have a vehicle for the tour stops.

Google Map to Event