WI and ID Prices Inch Up, Many Others Over Last Year

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Onion Shipping Point Prices for Feb. 22, 2021

Central Wisconsin yellow onions in 50-pound sacks rose a modest 25 cents in the last week, but these same onions are up $3.25 over last year at this time. 3-pound yellow consumer-pack master containers from the cheese state are up $4.62 from 2020.

In Idaho and Malheur County, Oregon, five of the eight yellow onions on the chart are up in the last week. Medium reds gained a little, too, pushing their price over last year.

Jumbo reds from the Treasure Valley are also ahead of last year. This is the first time since August that both medium and jumbo red onions were ahead of the previous year.

There are more green-colored gains in the third column of our chart than we have seen in months. Is this a sign of better prices to come?

Onion Shipping Point Price Chart Feb 22 2021