2022 Farmers’ Almanac Now Available

2022 Farmers Almanac
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The 2022 Farmers’ Almanac is on store shelves now and contains 184 pages of helpful tips, calendars, and guides to help you plan your year ahead. It also features weather forecasts for the next 16 months, plus useful advice on ways to take cues from nature to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

For example: Do you know what maple leaves have to do with planting perennials? Why onion skin tea should be consumed before bedtime? Or if June 1, 2022, is a good day to plant vegetables, buy a home, or catch more fish?

Pick up a copy of the 2022 Farmers’ Almanac to learn more about its “Frosty Flip-Flop” winter forecast, and its unique blend of facts, fascinations, and natural living advice. Available where magazines are sold and on FarmersAlmanac.com