Evapotranspiration & Growing Degree Days Added to KestrelMet 6000 AG Weather Station

Screen image of the monitoring features of the KestrelMet 6000 AG Weather Station.
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The recently introduced KestrelMet 6000 AG Weather Station has been updated to provide growers with field-specific data related to evapotranspiration and growing degree days — key factors in managing for enhanced crop performance and more efficient irrigation.

“We’re excited to offer these new updates heading into the 2022 season, because they build on the critical weather and field data already provided to growers with the KestrelMet 6000 AG,” says Eric Rollins, KestrelMet Agricultural Sales Manager. “It’s about giving growers more tools to be better managers and stewards of their water resources.”

Evapotranspiration data provides an accurate calculation of the amount of water needed for specific weather and crops. The sum of evaporation and transpiration, ET quantifies the amount of water lost from the soil and plants themselves owing to weather conditions.

Growing degree days (GGD), or heat units, help growers track the development of plants and target the optimal times to mitigate pest damage. GDD also allows growers to plan ahead for flowering and harvest.