Organic Onions Show Largest Sales Increase

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The performance of individual organic produce categories ranged widely last year, according to the State of Organic Produce 2022, a report released by the Organic Produce Network. The 72-page report provides an overall view of organic produce retail performance in 2022, as well as specific insights into the top 20 organic produce categories.

In terms of year-over-year sales increases, onions led the way with a gain of 15.4 percent, enjoying double-digit sales gains in all four regions of the U.S. The next best performers were cucumbers (11.3 percent) and potatoes (10.7 percent), while the worst performers were lettuce (−3.1 percent), celery (−2.3 percent) and bell peppers (−2.1 percent).

Total organic produce sales increased by 3 percent and volume decreased by −3.7 percent year over year. Looking at total retail sales, berries took the lead in 2022, edging out packaged salads. Bananas remained the top volume mover, with nearly 509 million pounds sold at retail in 2022.