NOA, Others Seek $5 Billion Produce Market Stabilization Fund

US Capitol Building

The National Onion Association (NOA) has signed onto a letter urging the USDA to develop a $5 billion Produce Market Stabilization Fund to help U.S. produce growers and shippers, and licensed PACA Produce Dealers affected by the sudden collapse of their business due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The seven-page letter details the specifics of the assistance sought from March 1 to June 30.

Here are the highlights:

  • Help U.S. growers with documented economic losses during this period.
  • Create a stabilization program for PACA Licensed Produce Dealers who service restaurants, schools and the hospitality industry. They seek economic assistance to help pay their contracts and their growers.
  • The money would provide emergency economic assistance to the produce supply chain during this time.

The letter also urged the USDA to use already funded stimulus plans ($500 million for WIC and $450 million for child nutrition programs) to prioritize nutrient-dense fresh fruits and vegetables in feeding programs.

Finally, the letter urges USDA to create an ongoing assessment of the COVID-19 economic impact to the produce industry.

To read the letter in full, go here.

Onion Industry Information Regarding Coronavirus