2023 WSU Cultivar Trial Results

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The 2023 Washington State University (WSU) Columbia Basin Onion Cultivar Demonstration included 52 cultivars and lines from 7 different seed companies.

It was planted in early-April in a drip irrigated field managed by Skone & Connors, located west of Moses Lake. The trial design was a randomized complete block with three replicate plots for each cultivar.

The trial was harvested mid-September.  Each plot was evaluated for yield (usable and culls) and size distribution (shown as weight per category and % of total bulb count in the report).  Then, a subset of the bulbs were placed in storage.

In February, WSU will evaluate the bulbs for firmness, scale retention, uniformity of shape, percentage of single centers, incidences of bacterial rot, neck rot and black mold and internal defects such as double centers. 

Click HERE to see the 2023 WSU Onion Cultivar Demonstration Report (yield and size distribution).  The same link gives you access to onion cultivar evaluations going back to 1999.