Expect June and July to be Active Months for Onion Market

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Onion Market Update May 29, 2024

By John Harris

Another month has gone by and we are at the doorstep of June already. It’s always amazing how fast the time goes. Southern California is wrapping up this week and will be down to the end next week. Central California is probably about 2-3 weeks away from full production and New Mexico should be really getting ramped up as of next week with most shippers. Georgia is still pumping out volume of both Vidalia and conventional yellows with a handful of reds as well. 

As for movement, May started out great and seemed to slow down towards the end of the month. I didn’t personally feel like there was a big holiday push this year, and business feels sluggish this week. Coming off a holiday, it’s not all that surprising. People will get paid on Friday and we should see some order volume pick up next week. June and July always seems to be pretty active months for the onion market and I’m expecting it to be that way this year again.

Markets in general are very good. The red market continues to be record setting and I really don’t see that changing a whole lot in the coming weeks. I won’t be surprised to see it cool slightly, but in terms of real relief, it appears it’s going to be awhile yet. The white market is generally in very good shape out of New Mexico. There are a few deals here and there with some guys that have nothing to offer but whites, so if you can handle full volume of whites, there are opportunities on good stuff out there, of both medium and jumbo sizes. Yellows are steady as she goes. As California cleans up, the market in New Mexico should really stabilize for the remainder of June. 

As always, I appreciate any comments or insight you have and would like to share with me. Have a great week and I’ll be in touch in a couple of weeks.

Editors Note: John Harris is the president and founder of Paradigm Fresh and Colorado Cold Connect in Fort Morgan, Colorado. He can be reached at John@paradigmfresh.com.